This weekend in Halifax, Nova Scotia there is a celebration of music. Music made and performed by people from the East Coast of Canada… for those of you who don’t know, that’s Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. Every year around this time there is an event called the East Coast Music Week (ECMW) which culminates in an awards gala (ECMA) on March 10th. In the past I have experienced the ECMAs from afar and appreciated the event but always judged them by the production value of their awards show. This year I am experiencing them from the perspective of being a resident of Atlantic Canada. I am more intimately aware now of the breadth of music talent that exists in the Atlantic provinces. I mean, I did all along having grown up in New Brunswick, but I now live here as a professional in the music industry and it’s become much more relevant. It’s quite amazing. There are artists… people… from every genre making excellent art whether it be classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop or hip hop. Some of them live down the road from me.
Take note of ECMW celebrations and check them out. Allow yourself the opportunity to dig a little deeper and discover some of the excellent music being produced from those who are from Atlantic Canada.
It’s hard to make a living as a musician in this neck of the woods but many artists choose to do so and do so with an honesty and integrity second to none.
I’m happy to report that my friend Joel Miller, who I grew up with in Sackville, NB won an award for Jazz Recording of the Year. He makes incredibly creative and wonderful music: way to go Joel. suddenlyLISTEN isn’t nominated for any awards but there is an organization dedicated to investigating improvised music creation. There are oodles more!
Although many of my clients reside outside of Atlantic Canada, I see the ECMW as a celebration of Atlantic Candian’s recording the great music! I love that ’cause that’s what I love to do!